Third time is a charm…

There is a lot to be said for these cleches.  This one holds true to my number of marriages I have gone through to actually having my business take off.

It was the third show I went to in Southern Ontario.  I went to stay with my parents in London.  It was nice to have a day away, since having such a bad weekend before. 

On the Saturday morning of the show, I had a semi good sleep.  My dad has a collection of cuckoo clocks.  Yes they are fairly sinc up with each other…meaning at 3am you have a mess of dongs…cuckooing…and some with music going off (actually, every hour).

I remember that morning not feeling too rushed but I didn’t know where I was going so there was definitely some anxiety going on.  I lost my earring as putting it on.  (Mom to the rescue again).  Then stopping at a bank machine before heading to the venue.

There is a lot to be said about event coordinating.  Some are fantastic…while others just do what is needed to get by.   This event was highly publicize.  It showed in everyones profits.

This was the day it all turned around for me.  My parents came to this show and didn’t have to buy my jewellery…however made them bring me a Tim Horton coffee.  I sold lots to people I had never met before and may never see again.  This was a day of text messages…facebook announces…and Twitter feed going crazy with excitement.

This was the day I knew that my creations was my obsession   🙂

My second time….

Usually after having one bad experience, you are certain that you will do everything in your powers to not fail again.   Well one would only hope so.

On my second attempt of selling my jewellery I thought to myself,  this is fool proof.  I’m in my own home territory.  I hooked up with a craft show in Collingwood.  This was being held at a huge hotel and well advertised.  I could not go wrong.

This was the week my husband was on his “finding himself” retreat.  I was left with 3 children to make sure they were fed and bathed and to school all in appropriate time and fashion.  (After the first day…we had a routine and no problems).  I was looking for to having a Saturday to myself. 

So Saturday morning came….I packed up the car the night before just waiting for the sitter.  I let the dog out for his morning pee.  The dog takes off and gets sprayed by a skunk.  Then the sitter comes late.  I start to panic thinking I will never make it.  I would smell like a skunk and be late.  I get in the car and start driving crazy.

Yes…you guessed it.  I got a speeding ticket.  So now I need to sell enough to pay for a $54.00 ticket…$60.00 babysitter…and the cost of my table $25.00.  Well surely I could get all this back.   I’m on my own home turf playing. 

I go to the show and not one single person did I recognize.  No friends…no old co-workers…no one.   I have not made any money this day either.  I’m starting to think there is no place for my business to take off.  I might as well head home after stopping to pick up peroxide, baking soda,  and dawn dish soap. (After all the dog is still smelling like a skunk).

Was the dog…disgusted…then go feed the animals…2 horses…2 bunnies…a dog and cat.  Of course the youngest child wants to help….sure why not.  Not my day though…my little guy falls behind the horse…spooking her and she kicks him in the face.  Yes a huge shiner.  Not a good day.

But I had to keep telling myself it has to get better since I have already paid for the 3rd show.

Creations are a true obsession   🙂

The first time….

This could be like a never ending love story,  ( I guess it is in some ways.  Love my job of creating jewellery, and love being my own boss).

Really I wanted to talk about having the courage to face a crowd of people with my product for the first time and not sure if it was even going to sell.

I had now gotten all my supplies and was in mass production of making necklaces and bracelets to sell.  I was worried about what is the right price…to what do you wear at an event to show jewellery.   Wow,  thinking back now….I was really green/newbie.

I had to also design my display table,  including a floor length table cloth.  I had everyone close to me looking for display pieces.   It was my parents whom scored big by finding a lot in good will stores.  I found a few things myself in a second hand shop.  (There’s a lot to be said about recycling).  I had ideas in my head of how it should look like.  But when all else fails…Google…can’t go wrong.  Lots of things can be found on pinterest…just have to know when to stop.

I found a craft show in Barrie, Ontario that was for a Saturday.  So between, paying the table fee $100.00… babysitter fee $60.00… and price of gas to get there and back $40.00.  I was setting out for the day thinking I could sell maybe 10 necklaces (a $10.00 a piece) and I would make my table fee money back, sounded easy enough. 

What really happened?  The huge ice storm happened.  April 12, 2013.  The show took place on April 13th.  The girl who put on the show claimed she had done numerous shows before and our money would go to the venue…advertising…etc.   We all trusted her,  big mistake.  Lesson learned, do research on anyone who’s going to take your money and promise you anything.

I had found the place after getting lost since there was no signs directing me to the venue.  I set up and waited for the crowd that was promised to show up.  The crowd consisted only of family or close friends of all the vendors that were there that day.  My mom and dad show up for me.  After them texting several times and having a GPS on to locate the place.  My parents are retired and live in London, Ontario.  A 3 hour drive for them in a mess of aftermath of an ice storm.   My dad was my only customer of the day.  He bought a necklace for my mom,  that he gave her at mother’s day.  Needless to say…I’m crushed.

A few days later I get a mass email from the girl who put the show together.  She wanted feedback on how well we thought the show went.  My inbox of email was flooded of vendors complaining about everything.  Wow,  a lot of angry people out there.

I found out about a week later that some people paid $150.00 – $200.00 for their table.  There was about 50-55 vendors at this event.  Of course she was successful.  Again be wise with who is taking your money.

I looked at my husband at the end of the day,  having a mini meltdown in front of him stating,  “I have already paid to go to two other shows…I can’t stop now…can I???”

And now I’m glad I didn’t…because creations are a never ending obsession.

Taking the “big step”…

Well unless you have been following my blogs…you might think…marriage…or something even sexual.   Nope…talking about deciding to create my own jewellery to sell.  Funny, at that point of doing this,  I still didn’t consider going into business for myself.

I had quit my job and was still waiting on final vacation pay and hours actual worked.  I thought I would shop around on line to find the best price of supplies I would need.  This is when I told my husband that “I would do it!”

He wasn’t sure about it…but if he didn’t have to use his money…he was ok.  He didn’t try to stop me. Nor did he try to be over supportive either.  He did find a local bead shop for me and let me explore the idea of making jewellery.

I was my daughters that both truly thought that my idea…”didn’t totally suck”.  In fact the youngest spent about an hour and half with me in the bead store attempting to make a prototype bracelet.  When we found somethings that were useful…we were lacking the the most important center bead.  So back on line and order about $300.00 worth of beads from the States.  (This is where listening to mom’s advice would have been a good thing.)


Now I have about 100 more of those big donut shape beads.

My oldest daughter was so excited by having an actual product to sell,  she came up with the idea of a business card and facebook group.  Finally adding a facebook fan page to post events and photos, etc. 

I had a share of sceptics as well approach me.  My youngest brother, who I find irritating most days.  He sat in a booth at McDonald’s talking about why do my own business when I paid my college funds and have a degree in nursing?  I tell you,  this was the day I knew I was going into something I wanted to do and no one could change mind!!!

This is when you know… creations are a never ending obsession   🙂

how many designs???

Well here I am with my morning coffee beside me. It’s only 8am and excited to get my blog on the go.

As starting any business, you must have a product to sell. I guess that goes without saying really. So I had no idea I was going to have a business at all when I was looking at crafts time make and notice a huge section on d-I-y jewellery. As I flipped thru several items, I came across a piece called “looking thru a magical portal”. I knew it was simple enough to reproduce several at a reasonable price. I asked my husband if liked the piece and of course took my facebook fan poll.

Several said it was beautiful and doable. My mom states the same only adding….”make only a few to sell, because what will you do with 300 bracelets if they don’t sell?” Lesson learned….listen to your mother….she does know best 🙂

After making about 60….I’m thinking to myself….I need something fresh.

How many designs does it take? No real right or wrong answer here. Just remember who your customers are, and what do they want, because creations are a never ending obsession. 🙂

Creating a slogan…

Ok….I was going to try to keep my blog in chroniclogic order…however after yesterday afternoon events still fresh in my mind, I have to do this.

I talk about my children a lot.  I have 5 boys and 2 girls.  The 4 oldest I raised basically on my own.  The 3 younger ones I share the joys/melt downs with my husband.  (We didn’t think we would have children after 40….but surprise!)

Anys ways, I have always consider my oldest (26, Howard) to be my go-to type person with computer problems.  Til he grew up and moved out.  He is happy and successful in the big city of Calgary, Alberta.  Second oldest (25, Jared)… my comedian, sport star,  hero….also made me a grandma at the she of 39.  He is happily living with his baby’s mother and son in Calgary as well.  Third oldest is Brittney….(23)…my dad’s second daughter they never got.  (I’m from a family of 3 children…. middle child….only girl).   Brittney (aka Burt) was never close until she moved out…now we are best friends.   She lives with her common-law boyfriend in Manning, Alberta.  (Google map it…heavens knows I had to).   Fourth child is Nicholas (21), living in Calgary with his older brothers.  He was my trouble maker….yet worry the most over.

Nine years ago I married again…fun party at Halloween.  We had our daughter a few months later.  Sarena (8, aka Fred… long story)…  Nathan is four…and baby number 7 is Gavin (2)….

So back to picking a slogan….

After a few text messages back and forth with Burt…and then a phone call to figure out the mangle mess of messages…Burt and I decided to Google this too.  I tell you, you can find some strange crap on the internet.  After locating a slogan generator we started our brain storming.

A lot of crappie stuff came out before finding some good ones.  Burt and I laughed for probably 45 minutes over this. Then in a dead serious voice she says…”you going to blog about this?”…”hell yah!”…  nothing from here on is unquotable.   If it is said in a conversation with me…and it regards to me and my business, it will be quoted.

We did find 6 choices…and did a poll on facebook for my friends to help with the choosing of the right one… here they are…feel free to vote as well…
1.  Creations – a never ending story
2.  Think – Feel – Create
3.  Have a break,  time to create
4.  Creations is the real obsession
5.  People like Midnite Owl, love jewellery.
6.  Midnite Owl, loving jewellery one piece at a time.

Any ways…make everyday, a good day because…creations are a never ending obsession

What’s in a name???


When picking a name for a company that I had no idea what I was getting into, I had to really think.  This is something like picking a name for your unborn child.  This will be with me for along time, (hopefully  🙂  ) 

It started originally with my husband’s idea that everyone in the world is like a Narnia animal….true story.  My husband was on a craze that we would some how go to British Columbia, and start an off-grid retreat for people to come find their Narnia link….again, true story.  Kinda glad it didn’t happen…grown attached to my dishwasher.  Any ways, my husband decided he is a wolf. Turns out,  I’m an owl.

Now as being a mom of young children, you can only imagine trying to take a shower without an interruption is like a spa retreat that lasts 5 minutes.  But one morning after having my second cup of coffee and standing in the shower to become even more alert foe the days events,  since only receiving approx 5 hours of sleep.  I thought to myself,  I’m more of a midnight owl then anything with this teething toddler.

From there,  things became clear.  I could make my own small business and I have a name to go with it.

Final test was asking the audience on facebook.  This includes my mother and father,  both with their own separate facebook accounts.  My older children, all live in Alberta now. Any an friends who wanted to make comments.  Everyone suggested to Google search the name.  This is when we found we truly needed to rethink the name.  But clever word play and …

Midnite Owl Creations was born.

I have to admit though…if it wasn’t for my oldest daughter, Brittney, I don’t think the world wide web would never know about us.  She has set up my facebook page,  Twitter account,  and website. 

And now,  you understand how the name was created.

Why stay at home???

Well I have been through a lot of different scenario of trying to raise children.  I have been the married young mother with a part time job on the side.  Stay at home, single parent, welfare mom.  And then the single mom trying to work her way thru college to support her children.  Full time career, single parent mom. To back to full time job,  married with children, type mom.  I can not say which was the easiest since all have pros and cons. 

My husband and I have now found it is more financially acceptable for me to stay at home then place all children in daycare, just to make a few bucks.  Literally, just a few bucks ahead.  So after sitting at home,  finding that just doing the same daily chores was not keeping me happy.  Don’t take me the wrong way,  I love the fact of looking after my own children and watching them achieve mild stones of their lives,  but I still wanted more.  Remember, I have 7 children now,  and raising them is much easier this time around.

So when I opportunity knocked for quitting my job I leaped for it.  The process to start a line of jewellery took a lot more thoughts.

I shall continue my blogging to capture the great journey I have completed so far.

Adding the link to our website:

Pen and paper type of girl

Now that I’m starting this blog, I had to go old school with brainstorming.  Back to pen and paper for ideas to take about.

Not that I’m totally afraid of computers, but I do find myself drawn to a pen to doodle with to get my best ideas.

I have in a short time sat and thought of many great titles to use for my blogs.  I’m sure it will spark your interests too.  I will try to start at the beginning of my wonderful career in jewellery making, and take you to the present accomplishments I’m making with Midnite Owl Creations.

Adding pictures and links where I can.  Thanks for sticking thru this bumpy ride with me.